
Basketball Uniforms of The 1920s - Design & Material

April 19, 2013

This is the era that established Chuck Taylor's popularity, we still see Converse shoes with his name on retail shelves today. It is also when jerseys buttoned under the crotch to secure them and ensure they would not come loose during the course of the game. Really, all the clothes were fairly form fitting. Baggy styles had not caught on yet.

It was also not uncommon to see children or women in knee pads, so as to protect their fragile legs. Get off the court if you can't hang. Considering what everyone was wearing in earlier years, in terms of material and some of the crazier get ups, they might as well have been gladiators. The 1920's had to be a blessing for basketball enthusiasts. Finally, everything was set and the sport could get some respect.

...And How It Is Now

Things have come a long way since the days of when uniforms were made of heavier material and fabrics like wool or cotton. These newer clothes are light to wear and help to get sweat off the players body. No one likes playing B-ball sweaty. Jerseys and shorts have a looser fit in the modern era. It is a result of style evolution as well as technology.

Comparatively, basketball uniforms of today require far less heavy maintenance, in laundering terms, and are far more durable and can handle the wear and tear as well as the wash cycle. That is because many use a modern fabric known as Dazzle. It is a type of polyester that has really caught on and can be seen in use by football and rugby players. It has even begun to find use in casual wear. Additionally, the material looks great. It is shiny and bright, you might even say dazzling! Whether you are sitting court side or taking in a game at home on your HD TV, the uniforms look sharp. The designs are awesome and the material really stands out. Thanks to those putting the schemes together they are visually interesting while keeping our favorite teams comfortable on the court.

Styles have changed dramatically over the years as people's preferences have evolved but also as technology has come along and allowed for developments in the garment industry at large. There is no doubt the future holds new breakthroughs in that field and we will see it on the courts and fields of our favorite home teams.

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